Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue

Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Gender Reveal: The Baby Blue by popular Florida blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Dress // Sneaks // Ring

"Y E S!  Yes, I want to know the gender!"  I squealed to my doc upon receiving the results of our genetic testing.  Hells to the No do I have the capacity to wait until D-Day.  And so without further ado, she said "It's a B O Y!"  I screamed.  I cried at this gender reveal.  I babbled some kind of nonsense about how excited the gals and Johnny would be.  I spoke gibberish and told my doctor thank you thank you thank you.  And then I immediately pulled into carline to grab Chase and had to keep my excitement and yap shut.  Because unlike how I blurted out I was pregnant to Johnny and his colleagues and got caught red handed by Cam peeing on a stick, I wanted to T R Y to add an element of surprise and creativity to this gender reveal!

Now I won't say a Gender Reveal Cake is a novel or overly creative idea, but thanks to my best gal pal, Lindsey, I did get the sweetest and tastiest little cake made in a jiff just in time for Johnny to get home from work.  It was my bday in a few days so I told the fam I bought a cake for myself...because THAT makes total sense.  But hells bells, they bought it.  I also invited John's parents for our gender reveal over because being that it's their first grand baby, I want them to experience all the joys this journey has to offer.  And so right before John cut into the cake, I let the camera roll, and proceeded to tell him and the bunnies that we got the call today from our doctor and Baby Pip (this is the fam's pet name for the bundle) was a healthy little pipsqueak and if he cut into the cake they'd find out the sex.  See, Johnny is sans social media so he thought I came up with this whole Gender Reveal Cake thing myself....just like he thinks I'm the genius who created Avocado Toast.  And who am I to shatter the boy's domestic view of his wife?  The way they layered the cake was perfect because you literally had to pull out the piece of cake to see the Blue.....and when the crew, did they go buck wild!!  The girls screamed at the top of their lungs as they were praying for a baby brother, John's dad yelled, "That's my boy!"  and Johnny, true to his chill, let's check to see if he has a pulse, form, licked the knife, shot me his devastatingly sweet little smile and said, "The Chappo's produce Boys, Doll."  (He's one of three and so he was CONVINCED there was no way he wouldn't have a boy).   It was such a fantastic moment.  We watched the replay no less than ten times that night and just let it sink in that we would have a little boy in our crew.  A little B O Y.  I have to say my body said boy the whole time as this pregnancy has been totally different than with the gals, but my brain said girl just because it's what I know and how ironic for Johnny to be a lone soldier in a house full of estrogen.  We truly would have been over the moon no matter the sex, all you pray for is a healthy baby, but I'm not gonna lie that I'm just so so very excited to experience what all my Boy Mom friends tell me....there's no love like a Mother/Son love.

So now that we know what this little nugget is going to be, we can start P L A N N I N G.  The fun part!!  Names?  Good Lord, we are all over the map. I literally like NOTHING.  I don't know if I want to stick with the "C" trend....I'm leaning towards it as Chappo pairs nicely with C's.  The bunnies and Johnny have some top contenders, but mom ain't sold on 'em yet.  Not worried---Campbell was named while I was in labor after we had the medical staff and family vote on our top three choices---so, we'll get there.  We can also properly plan the nursery design, which thank goodness we had incorporated into the house design last year.  Other than that, I'm just thrilled I'm into my second trimester and feeling like myself again and Baby Pip is healthy.  I'm finally working out regularly, tapering off the nightly Double Stuff Oreo routine, not wanting to claw random peoples' eyes out on a whim....ahhhhh, yes, I'll take it!

Ok, so per usual with this whole pregnancy bit....I am indeed showing M U C H more than I was with the kiddies, so I think my days are numbered with non maternity clothing.....any suggestions for good Maternity threads?  Best baby Gear?  Y'all need to hit me with it as I'm just getting my feet wet....I've been saving and bookmarking cute baby threads but I've got a long way to go so always open to suggestions!  Thanks, gang, for tuning in...this has been so so fun to share this journey with you thus far!  I also have to thank Sara Drury and Kristin Tatem for getting me all dolled up and snapping some fab shots that will indeed become very precious memories.

Oh and one little housekeeping, I ain't gonna fool ya....I have N O T been Faster Waying my Way to ma'am I have not.  It's more like Faster Waying my Way to Never Fitting in my Jeans Again #nightlyoreos.  B U T, you BEST believe the moment I pop out this pipsqueak, I'll be all up in my Bootcamp Routine a matter of fact, I'll be so race ready as I've MISSED intermittent fasting and macro management (which I'm going to get back on the Macro Bandwagon S T A T).  And just because my ass (literally) ain't getting tighter, doesn't mean yours can't.  Y'all know my love of this Program runs deep, so I definitely plan to keep y'all informed when a new round opens up which, hot damn, there's a NEW ROUND STARTING APRIL 24th.  My last round just finished and goodness, y'all should see some of the Before v never ceases to amaze me what this program does.  You'll be happy to know I took the award for Least Improved...and I accepted that honor with pride ; )  Feel free to hit me up with questions and check out my previous Bootcamp Posts.  Cheers to your evening, gang, and to Baby Pip!

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