The High Tech Home

Dress see SIMILAR  // Sandals see Similar // Ring // Makeup c/o Sara Drury

Y'all may remember this HOME POST with Loxone where I chatted up my initial hesitations surrounding Home Automation....only to be converted into a Home Automation fan!   Because when you're married to a techy like Johnny, you really don't have much of a choice as to whether or not your house will be loaded with all the latest Home Automation gadgets.  When Loxone invited me down to Lexington to tour their Show Home, I jumped at the opportunity since we will be utilizing their products and technology in our New House!  That's right, everything will be controlled on either our phones, iPads, or touch pads within the house.  We're talking the temps, lighting, fireplace, music, televisions, security--you name it, the Loxone App controls it.  This equates to a more energy efficient, SAFE, and streamlined home for the Chappo Crew.  And if you're OCD like me (no really, I'm the one that checks the locks and alarms no less than 3 times before going to bed) this app is right up our alley!  So if you leave your casa and whoops, forgot to lock or set the alarm, don't fret---hop on your phone and secure that sucker!

Be sure to stay tuned for more home updates!  We J U S T got dry wall up so things are R E A L L Y starting to take shape.  I'm planning on snagging a few shots so y'all can get a better visual of how we are implementing Loxone into our crib.  Cheers to a wonderful start to your week, gang, make it a great one!

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Photos Courtesy of Kristin Tatem 


The Fall Staple


The Maternity Maxi