Easter Brunch

Easter is less than a week away and if you’re like me, it seems to have come out of nowhere! I’m not sure if its due to the drawn out Midwest winter or all the travel this last month has brought me, but I cannot believe it’s already April. Here to make your life a little easier, I am sharing some of my favorite Easter recipes courtesy of The Village Cookbook, along with some festive decor to elevate your tablescape!

Again, much like my approach to fashion, I try to balance and build my tablescapes around investment pieces, like this statement dinnerware from La Double J, all while adding in more affordable elements like these placements, chargers, and napkins from Amazon…and gorgeous flowers from Trader Joes! And what BC tablescape would be complete without funky vases, also from Amazon…and, of course, acrylic bunnies from Kailo Chic. These sell out each season so its always a good idea to order in advance, however, these colorful flocked bunnies are just $10 each and oh so perfect for an Easter tablescape.

Speaking of fashion, how incredible is this block print tunic dress?! My dear friend Liz Joy’s brand, Marea, launched in February and is full of feminine silhouettes for an effortless, chic look like this — you can shop her entire collection at Shopbop.com!

Now onto the main event — the grub! Luckily, The Village Cookbook is chock-full of delicious recipes so whether you’re hosting an Easter Brunch or an evening dinner, we’ve got you covered. Here is what is on the menu a la House Chappo:

The Lavender Prosecco and All Day Everyday Arugula from That Bowl Life are a must. If you missed the opportunity to snag a hardcopy of my first cookbook, you’re in luck because we have released the digital, downloadable version here!

Next up are some Easter favorites from The Village Cookbook:

The Village Cookbook is available in both hardback and digital, while That Bowl Life is offered in digital only at www.bethchappo.com — be sure to snag a copy for these delicious recipes and much more!

Happy Easter, gang…And a Happy Early Mother’s Day! Xx


Daily Greens with Scoop


Shopbop Denim Edit