Calvin's Favorite Things

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

Calvin's Favorite Things by popular Florida mom blogger Seersucker + Saddles

We've had our sweet bundle for a little over five weeks now so I thought it was high time to chat up some of Calvin's Favorite Things.  The list is (kinda) long, but then again, in the world of baby--the gear is 'a plenty!  Each of these items have been given Calvin's Seal of Approval aka--he digs 'em..which means Mom digs 'em!  Let's hop right into it, shall we?


  1. The Boppy Pillow.  Gang, I used this with both Chaser and Campbell and truly didn't think big stuff would be such a big fan....but he is!!  This guy proves to be one of Pip's faves spots to chill say while I work on the computer right next to him!  It's equal parts cozy and mobile so I'm totally a fan, too!
  2. The DockaTot.  This bad boy is G R E A T for napping and lounging--which a T O N of you claimed as well.  I think he's a fan of how secure he feels in it.  I also love its mobility and fully intend to use it when we go to the in law's for Thanksgiving.
  3. The MamaRoo....interestingly enough, Calvin enjoys this baby for play time even though he's stone cold passed out in this pic.  That's not to say he doesn't love it for a little snooze fest, but I like to put him in this in the morning while we're getting ready for school and in the evening while we eat....and if you didn't know how much a baby loves black and white graphics....this thing will prove it!  Literally if there is a black and white stripe, spot, or graphic pattern...Pip is H O O K E D.
  4. The SoundBub by WavHello white noise machine.  See that cute little owl in the DockaTot image?  This little critter is S A V I N G us during sleepy time.  I learned the hard way with the gals that white noise is CLUTCH with a newborn (we used a floor fan for the girls), and this bad boy is the PERFECT noise for a sleepy baby....not only is it darling and soothing, it doubles as a bluetooth speaker to play babe's fave jams.
  5. Aden and Anais clothing, blankets, burp bibs.  O B S E S S E D.  I just am.  It's that simple.  The designs are precious and the fabric is spot on.  Getcha some.  And while you're at it, snag some Monica & Andy threads, too!
  6. ComoTomo bottles.  Now I used Dr. Browns with the gals and they were good but dangit ALL the parts!!!  So ComoTomo to the rescue!  Pip is primarily breastfed; however, we've recently started implementing one bottle a day so I can catch a touch of freedom.   Honestly, he took to these pretty much immediately.  They really do mimic my jugs and have a great flow.....Pip didn't skip a beat!
  7. Kickee Pants.  Recommended by my best gal, Lindsey, these are the darling threads y'all see Calvin sporting on the regular.  They are S O  C O M F Y!  And I'm a big fan of footies especially during the chilly months....also adore the prints on these babies!
  8. The Breast Friend.  Yet another highly recommended tool, thanks to y'all!!  I used the Boppy with the gals but it doesn't compare to TBF because this guy hooks around ya, has a bottle/paci/nip cream holder, and is curved to fit the babe's noggin.  Breast feeding made easy if you ask me!
  9. The Nuna Tavo Travel System.  Y'all have inquired quite a bit about this since seeing us sport it in our Insta Stories, etc.  We L O V E it.  No truly, LOVE!  I was a stroller junkie with the gals and this baby is the only stroller we're sporting these days.  My girlfriend said while strolling Calvin in the mall, "This sucker turns on a dime!"  And it does.  And probably my favorite quality is not only is it lightweight but it breaks down with one click.  Just one.  The stroller also fully reclines to basically a basinet...I've put Calvin in it sans car seat for strolls in the neighborhood.  The basket at the base of the stroller also stores all the bags, blankets, my puff has fab utility.  As far as the car seat goes, Pip sleeps in it the MOMENT he gets snapped in.  It's so snuggy and also makes the babies feel secure and safe I'm convinced.  Highly highly recommend!  Oh, if you take the plunge, snag a cup's the only 'extra' I had to purchase!
  10. Barrington St. Anne Diaper Bag.  Ok, I'm not gonna lie, I initially loved this diaper bag for it's adorable print options and ability to personalize.  However, I've been so impressed with it's functionality....sucker is the ideal diaper bag because it doesn't LOOK like a diaper bag but it FUNCTIONS as one!  Truly is the perfect tote.....
  11. My Solly Wrap.  Y'all....I LOVE my wrap.  It truly is a lifesaver when I'm trying to get stuff "done" and he's being feisty.  It comes in handy during the witching hour which is right around when I'm cooking dinner.  Many of y'all asked if it's easy to tie and the answer is can either watch a little youtube "How To" or just keep the instructions handy for the first few's easy breezy and the baby LOVES it.  And, bonus, he falls asleep in it every time!

Some random tidbits, not necessarily benefitting Pip, but definitely helping out Mom.  A few postpartum threads that are working wonders if you will.  These pants which I wore before babe and right after (thank you stretch)...same goes for these leggings.  This nursing bra is T H E most much so I bought 4.  My maternity denim that I still wear ALL the time.  And  chunky knits....they conceal the chub...and keep you warm.  Alright, gang, here's to hoping you have a wonderful week!  Such a great time of year and clearly my family has so very  much to be thankful for!  Stay tuned for some Black Friday Deals and if you'd like to join the next BOOTCAMP and hop back on the fitness wagon with me...come on kiddos!!  I'm all set to go for the 27th of this month and would LOVE to have you join the journey with me!  Make it a great one, gang!

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Photos Courtesy of Meagan Gilbert


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