6 Month Old Baby Boy Update

6 Month Old Baby Boy Update by popular Indianapolis lifestyle blogger, Seersucker + Saddles

6 Month Old Baby Boy Update by popular Indianapolis lifestyle blogger, Seersucker + Saddles

6 Month Old Baby Boy Update by popular Indianapolis lifestyle blogger, Seersucker + Saddles

6 Month Old Baby Boy Update by popular Indianapolis lifestyle blogger, Seersucker + Saddles

6 Month Old Baby Boy Update by popular Indianapolis lifestyle blogger, Seersucker + Saddles

6 Month Old Baby Boy Update by popular Indianapolis lifestyle blogger, Seersucker + Saddles

Crib // Rug // Pouf // Sheet // Recliner // Mobile

6 Month Old Baby Boy Update:

This little critter is on the brink of his 8th month next week, so proooooooobably high time I do a little 6 month old baby boy update--Lordy be, third child probs am I right?!  Lots of changes for Baby Calvin these past few months and if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times....T H I S is my absolutely favorite stage.  The preciousness is just at an all time high and I swear there's a new discovery every day.  We've got 4 chompers on deck, a wave, a "mooch" (aka open mouth, slobbery kisses), giggles galore, sitting up, ALMOST crawling, a love of the PACI, squeals, solid foods (LOVES avocado), and FUZZ...oh my goodness the hair...it's quite possibly my favorite thing ever!!  Sidenote, can you spot Baby Johnny?  This is John's same exact sailor suit he wore when he was a 6 month old baby boy--so dang precious!!!

Before I update y'all on Calvin's favorite things, I wanted to poll the fam and hear what they love about their favorite little critter, Calvin.......

Dad:  "I love his curiosity and how he's just mesmerized by everything.  And his giggle.  I love when he giggles."

Chaser:  "He's just a little snug bug.  And his hair.  And how he's always so happy all of the time.  He's just the best!"

Roo:  "I love how smiley he is.  I love how he laughs at everything I do.  I love his hair.  And I love his hiney.  I could squeeze it to death."

Mom:  I call it the Koala.  It's when I pick him up and he nuzzles into my neck and shoulder and curls up just like a baby koala.  Those TOOFERS.  The way he puts his Paci in his mouth.  The way he looks like a baby bird when I feed him.  Taking baths together.  How he cracks up at the sight of Roo.  His squishy bum.  How he smiles when I walk in a room.  And no doubt when I walk in his nursery in the mornings to get him out of his crib.  Nothing. Better.

Safe to say we're all head over heels for this baby....you complete our family, little fella, like you wouldn't believe!

Let's get into the gear, the clothes, the must haves, that what I cannot live withouts, etc.....these are tried and true and continue to be some of Calvin's (and MY) favorite things:

The Nuna Tavo Travel System.  So I've had this stroller from the get go, and it STILL is my absolute favorite.  Turns on a dime, SO EASY to collapse and he just loves it!  Now, I will say, I'll be buying this guy for some upcoming travel as I do want something more low profile when traveling.

The Bumbo.   I used this with both of the gals and Calvin is equally a fan.  It's just an easy way to feed him his purees which he's still loving.  When I feed him "people food" I put him in the Baby Bjorn high chair which is SO EASY to clean and low profile.

The Boppy Pillow.  Yet another tried and true item I used with both the gals and I STILL use with Calvin when he takes a BOTTLE.  It's just the perfect lounger and sleeper when they're newborns and great for lounging when they're a little bit bigger.

The Baby Bjorn Seat.  We have since graduated from this, but if there is ONE BABY GEAR ITEM you must get, it is this.  Calvin LOVEDDDDDDD this thing.  He's just now on the move so we have minimal use for it!

The Whale Tub.  This one just works.  It's angled just right for when they're not sitting up on their own and now that he's got a free for all in the tub, we use it in the backyard as a baby pool ; )

This Activity Saucer.  He just loves this activity set.  It's a great way to get them to explore and work on their motor skills!

TEETHERS.  Good lord if we don't have 20 Teethers floating around this house....he chews on EVERYTHING.  We love this BANANA, these DENTURES, and these CHEW BEADS bc you can attach everything under the sun to them including this rubber ball which is hands down his favorite sensory toy.

Bibs.  We go through no less than four of these a day.  These are equal parts adorable and absorbent.

Grocery Cart Covers or Restaurant High Chairs.  This isn't our exact one, but it's just as good...I keep this in my car for whenever we are out and about.

Sleep Sacks & PJs.  I remember with the gals, I loved CARTER'S for jammies because IMO, they're some of the softest cottons AND BONUS, their ish is SO AFFORDABLE...literally got a boatload of easy breezy onesies and jammies for under $100!

Clothing.  I'm just loving THESE BLOOMERS....paired with CUTE ONESIES, it's such an easy comfy look for him.  Some of my other favorite pieces I've snagged are this JUMPER and these STRIPES.

Sound Machine.  We've used this one from Soundbub since he was a newborn and it's still going strong.  We use three times a day and all throughout the night and have NEVER had an issue.  And it's darling.

As cliche as it is to say, man almighty I REALLY want time to slow down.  I remember with the girls I was so curious and ready for the next STAGE, but with Calvin, I know time goes by in a blink so I'm just grasping onto it for dear life.  Soaking it all in.  Because before we all know it, he'll be in Kindergarten and I'll be THAT MOM crying like a damn yahoo.  But until then, I'm going to snuggle the heck outta this little 6 month old baby boy.  Let me know if y'all have any questions on any of the above items...always happy to help!  Cheers to your evening, Gang...make it a great one!

Photos Courtesy of Shelly Ruth


The Walmart Wonder and this Hi Lo Maxi Dress


Dads Love His Lids Hat